Alpine Garden Society

 Ulster Group

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  There are three main ways to put your interests onto the Group website, described briefly here.
1. Beginner's option

The simplest way to get your words and pictures onto the site is to give or send them to a member of the Ulster Group web committee, and we will put them on a page with your name. You can have a fair bit of control over the layout etc., but we will want to have a consistent appearance throughout the site.

The amount of space allowed per member will be limited - to 0.5 mb in the first instance - equivalent to about half a dozen postcards


2. Intermediate option (The best for most)

If you have accessed this website from your own computer, then you have signed up for access, either free or for a fee. Your ISP (Internet Sevice Provider) will generally allow you up to 10mb of webspace as part of your deal, and you have an address to go with this. You can set up your own text and pictures on your own site. If you then contact the Ulster Group web committee - directly or using the Hon.Secretary's email address (on your annual programme card) - we will add a hyperlink to your page.

You should remember that this is a public site, so do not reveal any sensitive information, and the webmaster will from time to time check that the linked content is appropriate.

3. Advanced option

A few members may have a commercial site (Mark, for example), and we can simply hyperlink to this or "deep link" to a subsection of the site.